
Ma has been home for 3 days now. These past few days with her have been enlightening. Despite not sleeping, constantly moving, trying to talk nicely and smile at the same time...I see the Lord working.

Its definitely been a miracle to see Ma's progress since she first went into the hospital. Ma's a fighter and determined to get better and with every one's prayers for her, I believe the the Lord is truly moving and working in her. She's open to reading about her condition and determined to get to where she needs to be over time. She has her moments, but God is so good, it doesn't last long. As long as we are all honest with the situation, ALL COMMUNICATIVE of our feelings and help Ma recognize her limits, we should be OK =)

I thank the Lord for the opportunity to give back to my mom. We are all learning to adapt to the situation. Doing what we can to get reacquainted with each other with the new circumstance. I thank the Lord even more for giving Ma the grace to receive the help. She's independent in so many ways and now, with humility and the grace from God, she asks for help when she needs it. I am following from Ma's example and trying to do the same.

I know that this is all temporary and in six months t a year, Ma should be back to herself =) but until then, I pray that we do what we can to get her where she needs to be.

I don't know where I am in the whole process of feelings, but I'm definitely BEAT. I don't know where to put myself sometimes. Its rather overwhelming...taking care of everyone and everything and myself.

I can't help but wonder...will there ever be a quiet time for us? Its like there is always something. Is it an expectation I have that's just be able to chill and be peaceful and not anxious and stressed out?

Adjusting again. All over again. It seems to be a constant cycle. Who knows...maybe when Ma is all better, might end up pregnant next year lol...then the adjusting happens all over again...


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