
How tender are you when you realize something about yourself that you've known for so long, however come to the realization that its BIGGER than what you thought it was?

It is amazing how our Lord reveals things to us in the way He does when He does.

I knew I'd use this Lenten season to recover and all those other "r" things...but wow. Its funny...the things we say over and over, like ONLY ME or WHY AM I NOT SURPRISED, especially those things out of sarcasm and cynicism in fact are fruits of deep seeded wounds that we may think we are so over...when in fact we are not.

I must say our Lord really is using this time to help me see myself under a microscope. PS...I noticed this one LONG wrinkle and some little ones around it on my forehead that is becoming prominent...much like some the things He's revealed to me! I need to find the energy to accept it and take me as I am! But I'm so tender and sore and hurt...because it IS a deep hurt. I want to do want I need to do to help the healing move along...

I'm anxious for my new life and to move forward from it. That's the only way I want to move...forward and only tender for HIM.


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