1. Rude front desk staff of medical/dental offices
Is it really that bad? That some front desk people, in particularly Receptionists that they have to be sooooooo OBNOXIOUS? Is it necessary to be short and rude? I guess not considering they don't own the business but just REPRESENT the business? Makes you want to seek services from other businesses. What's up with that?

2. Disposable Paper Toilet Seat Covers
I totally appreciate the facilities department- HOWEVER, what's up with stuffing ALL the paper toilet seat covers into it's dispenser to the point where you go to pull them out and THEY RIPP because its stuck? Its like the WORST THING EVER when you really gotta pee!

3. Know it all New-Hires
Whenever I am being trained or learning something new, in particularly in work, I try to let the person FINISH and explain everything to have a better understanding. Following the presentation...I'll ask questions or express concerns. How is a person who has been sitting in their cube for all of a hot second working on their first project in an industry they NEVER EVER had to deal with possibly know in 2.5 days the nature of the target market? Or know how to navigate through the company's CRM and order entry systems...If they are a genius, then heck, they need to find a job elsewhere. HOW YOU EVEN GONNA?

Is it me??? Maybe it IS me!!!

1 Comment:

  1. ostacy said...
    hehe...i rov you

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