luving weekends...

The first weekend in a long a$$ time that we had nothing too hectic planned. All we had was our nephew's 5th birthday party at Tiger Schulman's...that was cute. I was hectic because there was a TON of parents...and this rather cramped space. Nonetheless, it was fun for the boys and it gave us about 1.5 hours to catch up with some people.

My favorite part of the weekend was going to mass Saturday night at 7PM...we totally had the WHOLE day Sunday. I guess our normal regime of 12noon and then next thing we know its like 6:30 and we are like YUCK! work tomorrow...
But I am refreshed for the first time is a long time from a weekend...

I was affirmed and comforted with the following verse this morning...2 Kings 20:5 I have heard your prayer and seen your tears. I will heal you." Oh Lord...thank you for your word. Thank you for fulfilling your end of the promise...even when I fall short on my part.

Talk about a different connection with HIM...which lad to a better connection overall with me and the world. I tell you...He does work in wondrous and mysterious ways. The prayers of my loved ones and everyone...I needed that. I am clinging to what He said..."I will heal you." Ahhh...


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